Saturday, May 15, 2010

Husbands Promotion

So yesterday my husband, who is very intelligent and put himself through college working full-time and attending school full-time and paying for his tuition out of his pocket, went for a promotion at work. We really thought that he had it in the bag, but I guess God had another idea for him and he did not get the promotion after all. He vowed that he would be looking into new leads and different states...well is it too soon of me to have expected him to start looking today?? I know it is only a day later but he is just a procrastinator and it seems like things take forever!! He is so super smart, but at the same time he sells himself short.....ALL THE TIME!! He is not making nearly as much as he should be making and I think that is a joke...maybe I am just wrong to think that.
However, I know that we need the money so I went and got a second job...and I hate to work. UGH
He claims that he would get another job if we truly needed it, but I have never even seem him attempt to get another job, or even entertain the idea other then in his what am I lead to think??
Maybe I am just too hard on him, or maybe I need to let it go a minute...but I am just so tired of him dropping the ball...on me.
Oh well, another day down and maybe it will be different tomorrow?!

Starting a blog

So, I feel like everyone should have a way to express themselves and an outlet to do it. So today I start my outlet.
If it's about my family, my friends, my husband... I guess this will be my place to vent and share thoughts and feelings that I don't know what else to do with them.
A shrinks best and worst nightmare all rolled into one. LOL
So here I am to write on and share a little bit of an inside scoop to my life....or lack there of.